Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Firght Student Drug Abuse - Information for Parents

Birdville district forum aims to help parents counter drug abuse
(Source: By DIANE SMITH dianesmith@star-telegram.com)

Town experiences 16 drug related deaths in three months.

Prom, graduation and summer break are important times in teens’ lives, but they are also times in which many youths make poor choices about drugs and alcohol.

The Birdville school district wants to help parents by educating them today during a forum titled "The Real Story About Drug Use."

"We want to give them some information that gives them the warning signs and things to look for," said Donna Layer, coordinator of guidance and counseling services.

The forum will include discussions on trends and concerns, emergency services and the law. It comes as law enforcement agencies have investigated several drug-related deaths in Tarrant County.

From January to mid-March, the medical examiner’s office has confirmed 16 heroin-related deaths. Four other deaths are being investigated as possibly heroin-related. One drug-related death involved an accidental overdose of the drug Ecstasy.

Layer said the recent headlines heightened the need to hold a community discussion. Another key reason for the forum, part of a federal Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities grant, is to remind parents that teen drug and alcohol abuse continues to be a community worry.

"None of these things ever go away," Layer said. "Just because you are not hearing about it out on the forefront doesn’t mean it’s not an area of concern."

Here are some questions and answers about the forum and drug issues.

Is teen drug and alcohol abuse still a concern?

While the issue surfaces in cycles in the news media, it is always a concern, said Layer, adding that the community can’t become blase.

"Sometimes our kids just believe they are indestructible," she said.

What are some warning signs that my teen is abusing drugs or alcohol?

The American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry states that these may be warning signs: a drop in school performance, a change in friends, delinquent behavior and deterioration in family relationships. Go to the academy’s Web site ( www.aacap.org) for more information.

Where can I get educational information about drugs?

The National Institute on Drug Abuse Web site ( www.nida.nih.gov) details drugs and how they affect the body. It also has educational materials for teens, parents and educators.

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